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A musical influence 

Stories behind the music by Winterstein himself

"well the piano is where all the magic happens, it's where all the chords are created and where my main influences come from, and in reality, my ideas come from nowhere but simply playing around and seeing what sounds good"

"Theres something about the piano that resonates with me, just seeing the notes and music right in front of you adds to the beauty of what youre playing, and when you make a song, it makes it that much greater" 

"From the piano, a melody is formed, and not long after that so are the words. most of the time the songs speak for themselves and the words come naturally, i love my job because it never feels like a chore"

"The guitar is always a fun one to move to once you've established a song you have written on the piano. Playing different rhythms and techniques of songs is something the guitar really brings out well and adds to the texture of a song im playing. Whenever im carrying out performances its my main instrument to go for, i let the more experienced keyboard players take over the 7 layers of keys. When i stand on stage with a sold out venue playing my guitar to my audience is the most empowering and ineffable experience i could think of, i really love what i do."

"Alot of people ask me about my musical style, and what that may be, to which i cant answer. I dont like to label my music of any genre because that usually puts people off when someone, music has been categorised. I simply like to play music that resonates with me and im just very lucky that it has a wide reach across the world. Im just a simple man in a bandana and sunglasses"


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